Seeking and sustaining the ideal partnership?

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Seeking and sustaining the ideal partnership?

saubio Understanding relationships


Saubio Understanding relationships. Who among us hasn’t hoped that one day we’d find and maintain the ideal partner? What if we enter into a partnership that is uncertain and unstable? How can we deal with the pain and suffering that always arises as a result of human connections? But what if we just don’t appear to be able to draw in any romantic partnerships of any kind? All of these are common thoughts that cross our minds just before, during, and after traumatic experiences. There has been a lot of backlash and social attacks on the concept of relational understanding, Seeking and sustaining the ideal partnership. Many individuals today are pessimistic about the possibility of developing genuine connections in our society, which is rife with suspicion, aggression, and deceit.

In order for two or more people to form a bond, they must be able to open up to one another about their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations.

For many of us, understanding the mechanisms that underpin healthy relationships is one of the biggest mysteries of existence. From the moment we realise there is more than one of us, we have all been curious about this secret. For what reason do the social interactions in which we all partake on a daily, hourly, and even second-by-second basis feel so daunting, perplexing, tough, and mysterious?


We may learn a lot about ourselves by looking at how we treat ourselves in our relationships with others. When we look in the mirror, do we recognise ourselves, and do we approve of what we see? Do we think we are deserving of someone’s undivided affection? We could have an idea of how we want to be loved, but do we actually love ourselves in that way? Do we believe in and embrace every aspect of our personalities? Most people, at their core, just want to be loved and accepted for who they truly are.




With a more balanced and accepting view of our masculine and feminine identities, we attract a partner who is a better fit for us. If we don’t like our own femininity, it won’t matter how well we’re in touch with our inner masculine mirror; we won’t be able to develop a healthy, balanced connection for ourselves.

One thing that many people overlook is the fact that we look for our partners to mirror qualities in us. If we are a woman, for instance, our spouse is holding a space for us to learn more about our femininity. For men, our partners provide a safe space to explore and develop their masculinity. Despite the fact that this is the reverse of how most people see relationships, if we were women, how else would we learn about the kind of women we were if not for the mirroring effect?


Seeking and sustaining the ideal partnership?


The object should be finding ourselves, comprehending ourselves, and being the whole and natural beings we already are should be the goal of any relationship. The connection we have with ourselves is the only one that matters. Whether we recognise it or not, every other aspect of our lives and every other contact is a reflection. Relationships that serve to remind us of what and who we are not will continue to be drawn to us as long as we reject becoming our natural, balanced selves, the true us. Therefore, partnerships in which we have to work very hard to be accepted will be drawn to us if we resist our true selves. Simply by letting our authentic selves shine through in all that we do, we are able to draw to us the kinds of connections that mirror our own inner creative abundance. What we put out is what we get back; so goes the ancient adage.




The majority of us get by as if we were never fully formed. If we put out the energy of someone who is only half of us and searches for that other half elsewhere, we will attract a relationship in which neither of us feels whole. In most cases, our interactions with those who are drawn to us in this way fall short of our ideals. If we go into a relationship thinking we need it to make us feel whole, then that connection will always be a reflection of and a reminder of our conviction that we are unfinished people.

What we’ll end up with is a relationship consisting of two incomplete people, which will be to the dissatisfaction of both. When we establish a vibration that attracts someone with similar traits and confidence, we attract a partner who shares our view that they are a relationship unto themselves, complete and sufficient within themselves. All too often, people write out lengthy, idealised lists of the qualities their ideal mate should possess.

Is it fair to assume that we all possess these qualities?

Do we possess every one of those qualities?

The only way to be recognised by the kind of vibrational being we want to attract is to be that being.

When we put ourselves out there, what kind of partners do we attract?

No matter how long our wish list may be, we can only attract what we believe we are capable of attracting. The most fundamental question in each relationship is this: What do we want to get out of it? Just what are we hoping to gain from this person’s company? What did we discover about ourselves, secondly, while we were in that relationship? Mainly, we draw to ourselves situations that generate encounters; these are what keep us moving forward, being of service, and discovering more about who we are. We can either accomplish this the hard way or with ease, grace, love, and joy. The decision rests solely with us.



Is there any good reason for us to intentionally set ourselves up in a chain of dysfunctional pairings? The explanation is fairly elementary, really. The truth about ourselves has been lost on us, or we are too timid to face it. In a condition of equilibrium and total self-acceptance, our true selves shine through. We will never be able to attract healthy, happy relationships so long as we fight against being our authentic, whole selves.

The appropriate person will always find us, no matter how we alter, if we are loyal to ourselves. Recognize that if someone decides to alter or end our relationship, it is because their energy is no longer in sync with ours. When we reach this realisation, we will find that no one’s absence will leave us much diminished. Not being a member of a vibration makes it impossible for us to miss anything.





The greatest demonstration of love is the freedom to accept and celebrate another person exactly as they are. It’s crucial to not have any preconceived notions about how it ought to be or dwell on any regrets about the way things were or were not. When we trust ourselves enough to be present in every moment, we attract the people who are meant to be in our lives.

Trusting one another, letting go of expectations, and being authentic are three pieces of relationship advice that have proven themselves time and time again to be invaluable. Self-trust and interpersonal trust are the two most important kinds of trust in any relationship.




Connecting with others allows us to show the world a little bit more of ourselves. If we enter into a relationship with the mindset that it is a chance to share, we are more likely to attract people who share our sense of wholeness. When we have such relationships, we may talk to one another as two whole people who want to share their lives. We shall have shared exposure to the concept of realising one’s full potential.



Relationships can only deliver on their intended purpose if we don’t prejudge the outcome or assign a value to it. Because of this, it’s crucial to embrace one’s romantic partnerships exactly as they are. Rejecting the experiences we’ve attracted into our life is a rejection of ourselves.



To know the reasons why we are attracted to particular people is crucial. Most of the time, we attract others so that we can learn from them and improve as people. The point isn’t to start acting alike. The goal is to help each person become their best self, one who is strong, healthy, and well-rounded. Sometimes we can lose sight of this because we mistakenly believe that unity is the result of uniformity.

If we see diversity and individuality as valued assets, we can achieve unity. When two people are in a healthy balance with one another, neither partner loses their own identity. Together, we strengthen each other’s reflections of our own potential. Any healthy partnership should help each partner become more of themselves. It’s illuminating, like catching a glimpse of a different side of oneself in a mirror.

As a result, it’s not guaranteed that our friendships and romantic partnerships will be a perfect depiction of who we each really are. When two people commit to learning from and teaching one other, their relationships take on a new meaning.

Dependency-free, mutually beneficial relationships are ideal. Each partner brings something special to the relationship that can help the other flourish. The relationship will thrive if our help is geared toward allowing our friend or partner to develop their own capacity for self-help.

To put it another way… As opposed to always handing out scraps of bread, wouldn’t it be more helpful to teach someone how to bake their own? Constantly giving to our partners suggests that we do not trust them to generate feelings of wholeness and sufficiency on their own. Help others as long as it doesn’t look like we’re taking on their care as our own obligation.

There’s no way we can take care of other grownups. Taking on another person’s duties forces us out of our comfort zone, so when we try to do so, we rapidly realise that we have boundary difficulties of our own. The point of responsibility isn’t to assign blame; rather, it’s to give us the independence to do what we choose.



In a healthy partnership, we each have room to pursue our individual passions. No one else’s disapproval of our choices should force us to alter our own. There’s no point in pretending to be something we aren’t. If we continue in that direction, we will continue to attract more of what we are not.

Attempting to change into someone we are not can only lead to further discomfort, unhappiness, bad living, and failure. Having the courage to speak our minds and express our individuality is essential.

The only reason to make changes to our lives is because we want to and because we’re developing into our true selves. If we are confident that our actions are consistent with our values, we will stay loyal to ourselves even if those around us disapprove or urge us to alter our behaviour.

Doing what brings us joy and satisfaction in life is the surest way to immediately reinforce our sense of self. Ultimately, we just want to let loose, enjoy ourselves, and be ourselves. Just remember that if we are genuine, life will bring us people who are meant to be a part of it. Only until we have achieved personal fulfilment can we truly be of service to others. If we aren’t being who we truly are, the other person isn’t getting to know the genuine us.



Many individuals today are pessimistic about the possibility of developing genuine connections in our society, which is rife with suspicion, aggression, and deceit. Understanding the mechanisms that underpin healthy relationships is one of the biggest mysteries of existence. We may learn a lot about ourselves by looking at how we treat ourselves in our relationships with others. Many people overlook the fact that we look for our partners to mirror qualities in us. If we are a woman, for instance, our spouse is holding a space for us to learn more about our femininity.

For men, our partners provide a safe space to explore and develop their masculinity. When we put ourselves out there, what kind of partners do we attract? No matter how long our wish list may be, we can only attract what we believe we are capable of attracting. The most fundamental question in each relationship is this: What do we want to get out of it? If someone decides to alter or end our relationship, it is because their energy is no longer in sync with ours.

When we trust ourselves enough to be present in every moment, we attract the people who are meant to be in our lives. Self-trust and interpersonal trust are the two most important kinds of trust in any relationship. Relationships can only deliver on their intended purpose if we don’t prejudge the outcome or assign a value to it. Rejecting the experiences we’ve attracted into our life is a rejection of ourselves. When two people commit to learning from and teaching one other, their relationships take on a new meaning.

  • Seeking and sustaining the ideal partnership? Saubio = Good Life – Understanding relationships.

  • One thing that many people overlook is the fact that we look for our partners to mirror qualities in us.

  • The connection we have with ourselves is the only one that matters.

  • The only way to be recognised by the kind of vibrational being we want to attract is to be that being.

  • The most fundamental question in each relationship is this: What do we want to get out of it?

In a healthy partnership, we each have room to pursue our individual passions. No one else’s disapproval of our choices should force us to alter our own. There’s no point in pretending to be something we aren’t. If we are confident that our actions are consistent with our values, we will stay loyal to ourselves.


About Post Author

Saubio admin

A Saubio member. So SAUBIO stands for GOOD LIFE which is what we all strive for as human beings, for ourselves, our family and our relationships with the people around us and the world we live in.
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