5 Useful Ways To Change The Hidden Knowledge of the Unconscious Mind

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5 Useful Ways To Change The Hidden Knowledge of the Unconscious Mind

5 Useful Ways To Change The Hidden Knowledge of the Unconscious Mind

The Reprogramming of Your Mind for Results That Will Transform Your Life

The hidden knowledge of the unconscious or conscious mind: what exactly is it? Your conscious mind is not the only factor at play in determining the events that occur in your life. Everything from the kinds of foods you eat to the actions you perform every day, the amount of money you earn, and even how you react when you are placed in stressful situations.


Conscious Mind What is it?

If being aware of your surroundings is what makes you conscious, then even protozoans are conscious. If being aware of being aware is a must, then it is unlikely that great apes and human babies are conscious.

Many philosophers have said that consciousness is a single idea that most people understand intuitively, even though it is hard to define. Others, on the other hand, have said that the fact that people don’t agree on what the word means shows that it means different things to different people (for example, the objective versus subjective aspects of consciousness), that it has many different meanings with no simple element in common, or that we should get rid of this idea from our understanding of the mind, which is called “consciousness semanticism.”



Use of the Term Subconscious in Academia

The English word “subconscious” comes from the French word “subconscient,” which was first used by the French psychologist Pierre Janet (1859–1947) in his doctorate of letters thesis, De l’Automatisme Psychologique, in 1889. Janet said that underneath the layers of the conscious mind’s critical-thinking functions was a strong awareness that he called the subconscious mind.

In the strict sense of psychology, the word means “operating or existing outside of consciousness awareness.”

Locke and Kristof write that a person’s conscious awareness can only hold so much. They say that a person needs another place to store their knowledge and past experiences, which they call the subconscious.



In 1893, Sigmund Freud used the word “subconscious” to talk about thoughts and feelings that are not visible to the mind. Later, he changed the name to “unconscious,” pointing out the following:

If someone talks of subconsciousness, I cannot tell whether he means the term topographically – to indicate something lying in the mind beneath consciousness – or qualitatively – to indicate another consciousness, a subterranean one, as it were. He is probably not clear about any of it. The only trustworthy antithesis is between conscious and unconscious.

In Letter 52 from 1896, Freud wrote about the stratification of mental processes and how memory traces are sometimes rearranged to fit new situations. In this theory, he made a distinction between Wahrnehmungszeichen (“signs of perception”), “the unconscious,” and “preconsciousness” (“the Preconscious”). Freud stopped using the word “subconscious” after this because he thought it didn’t make clear whether content and processing happened in the unconscious or preconscious mind.


Thoughts About Unconscious mind

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Saubio.com Unconscious mind

Your unconscious thoughts and interpretations are the driving force behind every aspect of it. In a nutshell, the unconscious part of your mind is analogous to the auto-pilot function on a plane. It is impossible to deviate from the route that it has been pre-programmed to take because the directions that have been programmed into it cannot be altered unless you first change the route that it has been instructed to take.

The part of your mind that functions at a level below your normal awareness are referred to as your “subconscious.”


level of consciousness at which one is awake.

At this very moment, the primary part of your mind that is being used is your conscious mind to read these words and take in their meaning. However, beneath that mental focus, your subconscious mind AKA, unconscious mind busily works behind the scenes, either taking in information or rejecting it based on an existing perception that you have of the world around you.

When you were an infant, the foundation for this currently held belief was laid. Your subconscious mind acts like a sponge, absorbing information as it goes through each new experience.

When you were young, you didn’t have any preexisting beliefs that went against what it perceived, so it didn’t reject anything. As a result, it accepted everything. It was taken for granted that all of the information that was imparted to you during your formative years was accurate.

You can probably see why something like this would become an issue in later years! Your subconscious mind simply filed away the information for future use whenever someone insulted you by calling you stupid, worthless, slow, lazy, or something even worse.

You may have also received messages about the potential you have in life or the limitations you will face based on your physical abilities, the colour of your skin, the gender you identify as, or your economic status.


By the time you were 7 or 8 years old, you already had a strong foundation of belief based on all of the programmings that you received from the people in your life, the television shows that you watched, and other environmental influences.

How does this supposedly “old” programming affect you at this point in time?


It’s possible that now that you’re an adult, you believe that you can easily let go of the hurtful or untrue messages that you internalised when you were younger, but unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple.

Keep in mind that none of this information is accessible to your conscious awareness because it is all stored below that. The only time you are likely to become aware of it is when it begins to impede your efforts to build a life that is more harmonious, successful, and productive.

Have you ever set out to accomplish something, but found that you were continually sabotaging your own efforts at every turn? Maddening, isn’t it? It is essential that you are aware that you are not flawed or destined for failure regardless of what actions you take.

It is more likely that you have some old programmed messages that are in direct opposition to the new conditions that you want to create.

This is very encouraging information because it suggests that you are capable of accomplishing virtually anything if you first take the time to retrain your subconscious mind.


There is still programming going on at this time.

It is essential that you are aware that the programming is ongoing even as we speak in order to prepare you for the process of reprogramming your subconscious. You take away certain lessons and take in certain messages from each and every experience you have, and these are the things that will direct your actions in the future.

If you were rejected by someone you cared about, for instance, what kind of message do you think would be stored about you in their memory?

Your subconscious mind, ever the astute investigator, would immediately begin searching through your memories for other instances of rejection (like the time your best friend ditched you to hang out with the more popular kids), for example, and would then come to the conclusion that you are in some way unworthy or unlovable and deserve to be rejected. This would cause you to feel as though you are deserving of being rejected.


Now, here’s the interesting thing: if you have an experience that conflicts with a belief that you’ve already established, your unconscious or subconscious mind will either reject it outright or reframe it in a way that makes it consistent with the way you already perceive reality.

An illustration of this would be the following scenario: you have a deep-seated conviction that you are unattractive, but an attractive person expresses interest in developing their relationship with you further.

It’s highly likely that the first thing that will go through your mind is that it must be some kind of cruel joke or trick. Because you have convinced yourself that you do not possess any attractive qualities, you won’t be able to accept the possibility that this person might find you attractive.

Your subconscious mind is yelling “No way!! ” just below the surface of your conscious awareness. Someone isn’t adding up here; this person is way too attractive to have any interest in me, and yet here we are…

Then, you will either turn away from that person before they can turn away from you, or you will find some other way to sabotage what had the potential to be a wonderful relationship.

The same thing takes place whenever you have difficulty accomplishing your goals. You eventually come to the realisation that you don’t have what it takes to be successful, and as a result, you begin to anticipate failure and continue to demonstrate the same behaviour over and over again!

You can probably think of a lot of other ways in which your subconscious mind restricts you, but if you know how to do it, reprogramming your subconscious mind is a very simple process.


The 5 Methods That Can Be Used To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

The 5 Methods That Can Be Used To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind | Saubio.com

There are a lot of different approaches you can take in order to overwrite the negative or limiting messages that have been stored in your subconscious mind. It is possible for you to work with all of these strategies at the same time; however, it will be much more effective for you to select just one or two methods to begin with. You should avoid multitasking and give them your undivided attention so that you can maximise the effectiveness of your efforts. Always keep in mind that you can always add additional techniques as time goes on.


1, Environmental Influences

Have you ever given any thought to the impact that your surrounding environment has on the more subconscious aspects of your mind?

Keep in mind that your unconscious mind is constantly taking in new information, processing it, and then drawing conclusions and developing beliefs based on those processing results. Imagine the kinds of messages that are being absorbed into your mind if the environment you spend most of your time in is one that is filled with negativity and strife.

Your first step should be to make it a priority from this point forward to reduce as much negative energy as possible around you. Avoid watching the news unless it is an absolute necessity, and try not to spend too much time with people who are considered to be “toxic.”

Instead, you should actively seek out positive things to read and watch, and you should prioritise surrounding yourself with positive, people. The passage of time will reveal to you that your mind is taking in more positive messages, which will cause a shift in the way you view yourself as well as the possibilities available to you.


2, Affirmations

Affirmations are an additional powerful method that can be used to successfully implant positive messages into your subconscious. If you adhere to a few basic guidelines, you’ll get the best results from them:

(A). Frame them in a positive light and make sure to use the present tense. Instead of saying something like “I will be confident and successful,” try saying something like “I am confident and successful.” Focusing on a future state does not make sense to your subconscious mind because it is only aware of the present moment. Additionally, employ the use of positive statements. Since your subconscious cannot process negatives, saying something like “I am not a failure” will have the same effect as saying “I am a failure.”

(B). Bring to mind the feelings that go along with it. When you feel like you don’t have enough money, telling yourself “” sends your subconscious mind conflicting messages. You should make an effort to feel the emotions that correspond with whatever words you are saying at the time because your subconscious will be more likely to believe it if you do.

(C). Repeat, repeat, repeat. If you only repeat an affirmation once or twice, it won’t have any effect. If you want the best possible results, you should recite them numerous times throughout the day. The upside to this is that you can say affirmations to yourself, making it easy to incorporate them into your daily activities without disrupting your flow.

3, Visualisation

Your unconscious mind is very receptive to visual representations. The process of programming your mind with positive and empowering images can be greatly aided by visualisation. You might find it helpful to spend ten to fifteen minutes a day visualising happy scenes that centre on you and your experiences in life.

The following are some things that you might want to picture in your mind:

A wealth of financial resources. A lovely place to call home

gratifying interpersonal connections An expensive car

Work performed with fervour Exotic vacations

A slender, fit body

Anything else that you would like to manifest in your life?


You end up redrawing the negative pictures stored in your brain from your previous experiences, fears, worries, and doubts as you continue to do this over and over again.

Make sure you are feeling powerful, positive emotions at the same time that you are visualising these wonderful things in your mind to increase the effectiveness of the visualisation process even further. Give yourself permission to experience feelings of love, joy, gratitude, and peace as if you were actually having these things happen to you in real life.

Your subconscious will take in the messages and process them as though they were real. This is the power that visualisation gives you: the ability to ignore negative messages and instead concentrate on positive images, all of which are being absorbed directly into your subconscious so that they can be played back at a later time.


4, Binaural beats are used for brain entrainment.

The use of audio recordings that purposefully alter the frequency of your brainwaves is another method that has gained widespread popularity. Although it might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, the feedback from individuals who have utilised these audio programmes has been almost universally favourable.

Your brainwaves will settle into a particular frequency depending on the activity you are engaging in at any given time, as follows:

Gamma is when you are engaging in specific motor functions. gamma.

When you are fully conscious and actively concentrating, you are in the beta state.

When you’re not tense, you’re in alpha.

Theta when you are feeling sleepy or when you are only lightly asleep.

Delta when you’re in deep sleep.


The phenomenon known as “binaural beats” happens when two tones are played at different frequencies. This causes your brainwaves to deviate from their typical pattern. Listening to audio that induces the alpha state is one way to move from a stressed-out to a relaxed state, for instance, which is why you would do so.

These audio programmes can assist you in reprogramming your subconscious mind by producing in that space an environment that is more receptive to the installation of positive messages. When you are in a state of deep relaxation, such as alpha or theta, research has shown that your subconscious mind is more open to taking in new information. This is especially true during meditation.

Because your subconscious mind lowers its defences when you use brain entrainment in conjunction with affirmations or visualisation, the combination can be very effective. This allows your subconscious mind to more easily take in any message you wish to programme into it. Just take it easy and keep your mind on happy thoughts!


5, Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be useful in a manner that is comparable to that of brain entrainment programmes, with the exception that it does not involve the application of frequencies that alter brainwaves.


Instead, the hypnotist will talk to you in such a way that you become more relaxed and receptive to the suggestions that they will deliver to your subconscious mind. These suggestions will be empowering and positive.


It’s also possible to try your hand at self-hypnosis, which differs from traditional hypnotherapy in that it involves listening to audio recordings rather than participating in a live session. You can even record your own self-hypnosis CDs so that while you are in a relaxed state, you will hear your own voice reciting positive affirmations that you have chosen to listen to while in the hypnotic state.


How You Can Determine If Your Efforts To Reprogram Are Being Successful

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One of the things that make reprogramming your subconscious mind one of the most difficult tasks is the fact that you can’t look inside to see what’s still there and determine whether or not it needs to be altered.

Instead, you will need to cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness so that you can recognise self-defeating behaviour in its early stages and correct it before it spirals out of control. Despite this, there are still some clear signs of progress that you might recognise, including the following:

You start to experience feelings of being more powerful, confident, and happy. You find that you are more willing to risk failure and confront difficult situations.

Your hopes and ambitions no longer appear to be insurmountable; rather, they excite you. You experience a deeper sense of inner peace as if the inner conflicts you’ve been struggling with are melting away.

You’ll find that more doors of possibility open for you to broaden and deepen your experience in every facet of your life. When changes are taking place in your subconscious mind, you will be able to recognise them because you will experience a shift in both your inner and outer being at the same time. In most cases, the evidence cannot be refuted!


Consistent, Persistent Reinforcement

It is essential to allow enough time for this reprogramming process to take effect. Do not anticipate seeing any changes right away (occasionally that can happen, but more often it takes time).

Be very consistent and persistent with the methods you choose to install more positive messages into your subconscious mind. Be very consistent and persistent with the methods you choose. You’ll feel motivated to keep moving forward as soon as these transformations become apparent, but until that happens, you need to stick with it and know that these changes are powerful, lifelong, and well worth the wait!



The word “consciousness” has many different meanings with no simple element in common. Sigmund Freud used the word “subconscious” to talk about thoughts and feelings that are not visible to the mind. In the strict sense of psychology, the word means “operating or existing outside of consciousness awareness”. Freud stopped using the word “subconscious” because he thought it didn’t make clear whether content and processing happened in the unconscious or preconscious mind. In a nutshell, the unconscious part of your mind is analogous to the auto-pilot function on a plane.

It is busily working behind the scenes, either taking in information or rejecting it based on existing perception. By the time you were 7 or 8 years old, you already had a strong foundation of belief based on all of the programs that you received from the people in your life. It is more likely that you have some old programmed messages that are in direct opposition to the new conditions that you want to create.

If you were rejected by someone you cared about, what kind of message would be stored about you in their memory? Your subconscious mind would either reject it outright or reframe it in a way that makes it consistent with the way you already perceive reality.

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is a very simple process. There are a lot of different approaches you can take in order to overwrite the negative or limiting messages that have been stored in your subconscious mind. Try not to spend too much time with people who are considered to be “toxic” Instead, actively seek out positive things to read and watch.

The power of visualisation is the ability to ignore negative messages and instead concentrate on positive images. Make sure you are feeling powerful, positive emotions at the same time as you are visualising them.

Affirmations are an additional powerful method that can be used to successfully implant positive messages into your subconscious. Brain entrainment is the use of audio recordings to alter the frequency of your brainwaves. Your brainwaves settle into a particular frequency depending on the activity you are engaging in at any given time. These programmes can assist you in reprogramming your subconscious mind. How You Can Determine If Your Efforts To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Are Being Successful.



It’s possible to try your hand at self-hypnosis, which involves listening to audio recordings rather than participating in a live session. Be very consistent and persistent with the you choose.


Resources for more information

Manifestation Miracle



#hiddenknowledge, the #unconscious mind, #conscious mind,
#subconscious mind, #reprogramming your subconscious, #Binauralbeats, #affirmations, #visualisations

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A Saubio member. So SAUBIO stands for GOOD LIFE which is what we all strive for as human beings, for ourselves, our family and our relationships with the people around us and the world we live in.
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